Correction Policy

At Morning Star Seminary, we strive to maintain the highest standards of accuracy and transparency in all the content we publish. However, if any errors or inaccuracies are identified, we are committed to correcting them promptly and responsibly.

Our Commitment to Accuracy

We ensure that all articles, resources, and updates published on our website are thoroughly researched and fact-checked. Despite our best efforts, if an error occurs, we take the following steps to address it:

  1. Identification: Errors may be identified by our editorial team, contributors, or brought to our attention by our readers.
  2. Review: Once an error is reported, our team carefully reviews the issue to verify its validity.

How to Report Errors

If you notice any inaccuracies or errors in our content, please report them to us by providing the following details:

  1. The title and URL of the article or page containing the error.
  2. A detailed description of the error and any supporting information or corrections.
  3. Your contact details (optional but helpful for follow-up).

You can report errors via email: [email protected]

Correction Process

  1. Acknowledgment: We will acknowledge receipt of the reported error within 48 hours.
  2. Verification: Our editorial team will review the information to confirm its accuracy.
  3. Action:
    • Minor Errors: (e.g., typos, grammatical issues) will be corrected immediately without additional notification.
    • Major Errors: (e.g., factual inaccuracies) will include an editor’s note explaining the correction.
  4. Transparency: All significant corrections will be noted at the bottom of the article, mentioning the date and nature of the correction.

Updates and Revisions

In cases where articles are updated for clarity or to include new information:

  • A note will be added to indicate the update.
  • The date of the update will be mentioned at the top or bottom of the article.

Editorial Discretion

Morning Star Seminary reserves the right to decide whether a correction, clarification, or retraction is warranted. We aim to handle such matters with utmost integrity and in alignment with our editorial standards.

Contact Us

If you have any concerns or need further clarification regarding our correction policy, feel free to contact us:

Email: [email protected]
PAC, Ramghat Road,
Aligarh, 202001